Update on Kieran’s physical condition….and prayer

Many are asking about how Kieran’s appointment went on Monday.  Thank you so much for your faithfulness in prayer and for your concern.  I’m sorry it’s taken this long to give a report.

Long story short—we don’t know much yet.

That was to be expected.  But Kieran was visibly disappointed when he realized that we weren’t going to schedule surgery now and fix his leg.  He said he knew about all the other issues, but I think he was holding on to a thread of hope that it could all be magically fixed in America.  Who wouldn’t?

We spent a lot of time taking x-rays.  His bones are all very soft and there are signs of multiple other fractures because of this fact.  His spine is curved in every which way.  At this point, there is no way we could do leg surgery and put pins, etc. into the bones—it would be like screwing into very soft pine.

So the direction we are taking is to load him up on Vitamin D and Calcium, do more blood tests, and wait for an appointment in Champaign, IL with a geneticist.  When we determine the cause of the bone degeneration, then we will proceed….whatever that means.  The orthopedist believes the cause was one of 3 things: malnutrition, body’s inability to absorb Vit D and other nutrients, or a congenital issue like osteogenesis imperfecta—or some combination of the three.  Do we think any of this is reversible?  I have no idea and I’m not sure the doctors know either.

It all sounds a little hopeless, but here is the part where God is stepping in.  I have a good friend in Springfield who is also an adoptive mom of a girl from Ethiopia.  She has hooked us up with an adult Ethiopian friend of theirs and Kieran, Eva, and I went to her apartment after Kieran’s first pediatrician appointment two weeks ago.  The purpose was to do some translation so we could check on Kieran’s emotional and physical feelings, and to have some comfort food as she showed me how to make “easy” Ethiopian food and “fake injera.” 🙂  She had an Ethiopian dance DVD playing when we came in and we all had a lovely time.

But come to find out, she is from the exact region that Kieran is from.  It’s not that they know the same people, but she knows the same foods and customs and was able to explain a lot to me, as well as send home a big bag of the regional spice.  In part of our conversation, she was determining that she thinks that Kieran is lactose intolerant.  In more conversation we had after the orthopedic appointment, we are realizing that Kieran was pretty deprived of Vitamin D during his youth.  Some important parts of the story came to light, and they would not have if she had not been from his region.

So it may very well have been his lack of nutrition that caused his bone issues.  There is still much to determine.  But it seems clear to me that God is putting pieces of the puzzle together and handing it to us when we would have no other way of determining what the pieces were.  That (among many other things) shows me that God is working on this and that we should not give up hope.

I am currently near the end of Beth Moore’s James Bible study, and this morning I read her daughter’s story about how God healed her unexplained chronic illnesses after she decided to take James 5:14-15 at its word:

Is any one of you sick? He should call the elders of the church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up.

She said she normally didn’t have a lot of room in her theology for this kind of thing, but she did it.  She also says she was unexplainably healed.  I am thinking we should pursue this for Kieran as well.  I believe this also may be part of the story that God is writing in Kieran’s life.  I have discussed with Kieran that even if nothing changes physically, he can still go to school, have a job some day, have a family—all things he wasn’t able to do in Ethiopia.  (When the injury happened to his leg at about age 10, he had to stop going to school because of paths to get there were no longer possible for him.  No school means manual labor jobs, which isn’t possible for him either.)  So that alone is part of God’s redemptive plan in his life to show the world.  But what if there is even more if we just tapped into God’s power and trusted that He truly still heals and makes the lame man walk…..???

The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. (James 5:16)

So please keep praying for us.  Pray for healing like you’ve never believed before.  Pray for wisdom for us and the doctors and even more Words from our Heavenly Father to guide us.  And pray for Kieran’s heart to have peace and patience and trust in our God, no matter the outcome.

If you have made it this far in my post, then you are a righteous person and your prayers are powerful and effective.  Let’s believe that verse together.  Our prayers do make a difference.

5 Replies to “Update on Kieran’s physical condition….and prayer”

  1. Matthew 21:22..And all things, whatever you shall ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive.

    BELIEVING that our God is still a God of healing and of miracles. May God bring you the doctors and answers that Kieran needs for healing ~ of mind, heart AND body!!! So love to see how He is already orchestrating details that only God could orchestrate! Looking forward to witnessing God’s answer to our prayers for Kieran!!! Give him a big hug from all of us! 🙂

  2. I am from a denomination that believes in divine healing so fully support what you’ve written above. I have witnessed God heal supernaturally and so I keep praying for Him to heal my family (esp. my daughter’s teeth) in His way/time. I join your faith in believing for supernatural touch of your son by His divine maker. Keep trusting no matter how long it takes…

  3. Praising The Lord for the way He works!!! We will continue to lift Keiran up daily!! Our Father is faithful!!!

  4. I’m just now catching up on your story (hello insane six-year old who lives in my home and demands food five times per day…) but such a serious vitamin deficiency could also be gluten-intolerance.

    I’m lactose intolerant and removing dairy from my diet helped relieve some of my symptoms for a short amount of time, but until I also removed gluten, I was deficient in about every vitamin ever.

    I’ve never been able to donate blood (even in high school when it got you out of going to class!!!) because of my anemia. Every woman in my family is anemic, so I assumed it was genetic. Just last week, my iron levels were tested (since being on gluten-free diet for over a year) and I’m no longer anemic. Gluten was causing my body to be unable to absorb nutrients.

    I’ve also had back problems since I was 16. My chiropractor was amazed at my crazy curved spine. It’s the spine of an old woman. Recently, my back has FINALLY taken to the adjustments and is not causing me as much pain (hallelujah, see also, “insane six-year old”).

    When Nasko first came home, we put him on a gluten and dairy free diet (because it was easy in our house!) His little body was struggling to digest all our new foods. Now he’s doing well with dairy, but the verdict is still out on gluten.

    I don’t know if gluten-free could be helpful in your son’s case, but it might be worth a try – even for a short time. I’ll be approaching the throne with prayers for wisdom, discernment, and ultimately healing on your behalf.

    Let me know if you are interested in more information!

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