We have been finished with our home study (the state part of our adoption) for two months now, but we are waiting for our background clearances to be verified by DCFS. It typically does not take this long which means it is possibly sitting on an empty desk somewhere. PLEASE pray for us and others (including our friends Ryan and Deanne Mott) who are waiting to continue on with our adoption paper-chasing process. Thanks for joining us on this journey!
Father/Daughter Dance Success!
A great time was had by all at the Father/Daughter Dance last weekend! The decorations were lovely, the food was yummy, the music was fun, the girls were gorgeous, and the fathers were reminded how special that father/daughter bond is.
It was a dreamy night for the girls, and I was so proud of all the dads on the dance floor. They were even out there attempting the Macarena and the Hoedown Throwdown! You won’t see that every day! I think it was an evening that will not soon be forgotten. In fact, we have been asked to make it a yearly occasion, so watch for it, along with a Mother/Son event in February.
The event raised money for three families’ adoptions, but it also helped to raise awareness of everyone’s role in caring for the “fatherless.” We are so thankful to all who attended and those who are praying and supporting us in other ways. We LOVE that you are on this journey with us!
Quote of the Day (QOTD)
Me: What are you going to do with that wire, bud?
Liam: I’m using it for my evil genius.
Me: Your evil genius?
Liam: No–I mean my mad scientist.
Somehow I’d guess those are still closely related.