Bad choices, good choices

So apparently Liam was a little disobedient during recess yesterday and had to miss both recesses. The story from him varied a little from the story from his teacher. Don’t get me wrong, I totally believe his teacher and stand by her ruling, but most of the time I think Liam is just in a different world. So yes, he disobeyed, but HE thought he was obeying.

At the same time, we are trying a new discipline/rearing technique called Love and Logic. We are giving more choices at appropriate times, and giving directions in a more positive manner. So he and Maura were both having a hard time after school, obviously tired, and needed to go to bed early. I told both of them, “You are tired and you will be going to bed early tonight. Would you like to take your bath now (before dinner) and then have a little time with Dad before bed, or finish your movie now and then bathe and bed right after dinner?” Liam chose Dad, Maura chose movie. 🙂

After dinner, Michael and I discussed Liam’s episode at school. We decided that since it didn’t seem his disobedience was totally out of defiance but mostly just Liam-ness, that he had already paid the penalty at school. Nonetheless, he should write an apology letter. So again the choice, “Do you want to write the letter now before bed and miss time with Dad, or in the morning and miss TV time before getting ready for school?” Again he chose Dad. Good choice, Bud.

Here is what I wrote out for him to say and fill in the blanks on his own. “Dear Mrs. Geary, I’m sorry that I _____________ yesterday. I should not have ____________ and _____________. I did not listen well enough. Thank you for _____________. Please accept my apology. Sincerely, Liam.” He had to write it neatly and show it to us for approval. It took him almost 45 minutes and he did it before we even got up. (He’s an early riser :)) Here is the finished product (click pic for bigger version):

We’re proud of you, Buddy.

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