We Have a New Son

On a cloudy and uncharacteristically cool day in Addis Ababa, we attended court to learn if we’d be able to adopt another child.

We passed.

Here is Kieran Solomon Sintayehu Gowin, our newest and oldest son.

Newest Gowin family member - Michael Gowin

We’ll post some more details later but we know that friends and family are eager for news and photos. So we’re giving the people what they want.

Again, we’ll have more soon. Thanks to all those who’ve been praying for us and supporting us on this journey.

15 Replies to “We Have a New Son”

  1. That is wonderful news. I am still in awe of your doing this and hope one day we can adopt again.

  2. Whoo-hoo!! Congratulations! So excited for your family. He is such a sweet boy and will make a great big brother.

  3. This is just such good news, and we praise the Lord with you and all the friends and family of your new son. He looks delighted! We look forward to meeting him. I’m so glad he could meet one of his sisters right away, too. Thank you for the wonderful pics and updates. Have a super trip HOME! Congratulations … such rich blessings! X O

  4. I’m so excited how fast this all went! I can still picture him a little hopelessly hanging out at TH when we were there in May. He looks so proud to have a family. I love how having a family changes the countenance of the older kids.

  5. Sharing in your joy! What wonderful blessings all around! May God continue to guide your precious family each step of the way.

  6. I’m teary-eyed. SO HAPPY FOR YOU! Also I can’t believe how similar he and Michael’s features are!

  7. Congratulations guys! I am so thankful for your good news. I can’t wait to see you ALL again and meet Kieran, another beautiful Gowin.

  8. Way cool! That’s a good looking boy! Hey Gowins. . . your trust in the Lord inspires me.

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